CA Foundation Economics

 CA Foundation Economics :

1. Alfred Marshal (British)- 


-Time concept 

-Diminishing utility -Marginal Utility Approach

-Time element to differentiate market


-Study of Mankind

2. Adam Smith - 

-Nature & Causes of Wealth of Nation (1776).

-Father of Economics

-Definition of Wealth 

3. Joel Dean - 

Business Economics 

4. JB Say -

Economics is the science of growth


5. Nicholas Kardos - 

Cobweb theory

6. HA Simon - 

Satisfying Behavior 

7. Olaf Hamler - 

Delphi Method/Expert Opinion


8. Hicks & Allen - 

Indifference Curve 

9. L Robbins - 

-Nature & Significance of Economics

-Scarcity of resources

-Positive science 

10. Samuelson - 

Growth of business 

11. AC Pigou - 

-Measuring rod of money

-Welfare in economy


-Optimism & pessimism 

12. F Knight - 


13. Schumpeter - 


14. A.A Berle & GC Means - 

Separation of management and ownership 

15. Williamson - 

Profit Maximization 

16. Baumol - 

Revenue Maximization 

17. RL Marris - 

management goal of stability & growth 

18. Paul Sweezy - 

Kinked demand curve 

19. Hawtrey - 


20. Karl Marx & Frederick Engels - 

-Socialist Economy 

-The Communist Manifesto (1848)

21. Cyert & March - 

4 possible functional goals: production, inventory,  sales, market 

22. Chamberlin - 

Group Behavior 

23. Cobb Douglas = 

Capital ¼

Labour ¾

24. Jacob Viner -

Economics is what economists do

25. Thorstein Veblen -

Conspicuous consumption/

Veblen Goods

26. Robbert Giffen -

Giffen Goods

27. Keynes -

Aggregate Effective Demand

28. Peter Drucker

Aim - Create & Retain customer

29. David Easton -

Feedback or Black box model
